25+ Artistic Vandalism That Should Be Recognized

Published on 07/05/2023

UFO Crossing

This notice is designed to warn you that crossing the street may result in your abduction by an unidentified flying object. And who knows what will happen to you after you board the spaceship? You could not see your friends or relatives again. If we were you, we would not chance crossing the street. Simply staying on that side of the street will keep you safe. Maybe.

UFO Crossing

UFO Crossing


Fire Safety

If a fire breaks out in your apartment complex, do the following: Instead of yanking the elevator out of the elevator shaft, grab a bucket of water to put it out. You’ll just look ridiculous. (But, in all seriousness, don’t do either of these things. Just contact the fire department and get out of the building like a regular person. Try not to be a hero.)

Fire Safety

Fire Safety