25+ Artistic Vandalism That Should Be Recognized

Published on 07/05/2023

Purell, the Paper Cut-Finder

Hand sanitizer, the ideal technique to discover if you have a microscopic paper cut on your finger that you were previously unaware of! Lemons, limes, and any other citrus fruits will also suffice. Your paper cut may burn and sting for a few minutes, but at least you’ll be aware of it. Because that is unquestionably significant and useful knowledge, right? Purell’s marketing strategy is ideal.

Purell, The Paper Cut Finder

Purell, The Paper Cut Finder


Don’t Do it

As the teeny small sign suggests, this is a rare dandelion that should not be interfered with under any circumstances. So, what happens if someone accidentally touches it? We’re not sure, but a group of ravenous feral dogs might appear and chase you down the street. Or perhaps the Men in Black will arrive and whisk you away, never to be seen again by your loved ones. We can’t prove that none of this will happen, so why take the chance?

Don't Do It

Don’t Do It