Weird Food Bucket List: 25+ Strange Foods From Around the World

Published on 11/04/2021

Big Butt Ants – Hormigas Culonas (Colombia)

If you are planning a trip to Colombia in the near future, this is one delicacy that you should not miss out on. Hormigas Culonas is a Spanish term that translates to “big butt ants.” In Colombia, they are quite popular among the people. Although they do not have a particularly pleasant taste, they are high in protein. The vast majority of those who have tried them have stated that they taste like dirt. They are roasted before being consumed, which results in a crunchy texture when eaten. When it comes to bug butt ants, one of the most amazing aspects is that each individual ant is carefully selected. They may not be suitable for consumption at the dinner table, but they make an excellent snack.

Big Butt Ants – Hormigas Culonas (Colombia)

Big Butt Ants – Hormigas Culonas (Colombia)


Cuy Guinea Pig (Ecuador)

Given the fact that Guinea Pigs are typically kept as pets, some people may find it difficult to try this dish. If, on the other hand, you happen to be in an exotic restaurant in Ecuador, you should definitely look out for Cuy on the menu. Cuy Guinea Pig has a flavor that is reminiscent of a cross between pork and rabbit. The whole Guinea Pig is roasted and served in its natural state. On your roasted Guinea Pig, you can even see the teeth clearly. Cuy Guinea pigs are extremely popular among travelers because of their flavor and texture.

Cuy Guinea Pig (Ecuador)

Cuy Guinea Pig (Ecuador)