You Won’t Believe These Weight Loss Journey Of Hollywood Celebrities

Published on 11/05/2021

Rex Ryan

The former New York Jets head coach seemed to like stirring up trouble. Have you ever seen his very obscene press conferences or those movies of foot fetishes that he posts on social media? Anyway, moving on, it was his waistline, rather than his big mouth, that drew the attention of the media in 2012, and he was able to capitalize on it. At 348 pounds, Rex needed to lose 100 pounds before he could have a Lap-Band operation performed. After years of denial, Rex Ryan finally acknowledged that he had undergone a gastric sleeve in 2010. He also told Men’s Health that he had tried a number of different diet regimens but that none of them seemed to be effective for him.

Rex Ryan

Rex Ryan


Adam Goldstein

Adam Goldstein is most likely someone you are familiar with as DJ AM. It wasn’t all that long ago that he weighed approximately 240 pounds. At the time of his birth, he was a huge, physically intimidating young man who had a history of drug misuse. As soon as his parents learned that he was doing drugs, they began looking for drug addiction treatment options. As he grew older, he began to indulge in binge eating since he was required to work late shifts at bars and nightclubs. In 2003, he made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery.

Adam Goldstein

Adam Goldstein