25+ Artistic Vandalism That Should Be Recognized

Published on 07/05/2023

And She’s Buying the.

There’s a lady who believes that everything that glitters is gold, and she’s planning on purchasing a stairway to paradise. This little vandalism was most likely performed by a college freshman who has recently found Led Zeppelin and wishes to impress everyone in his dorm by writing their lyrics in public locations wherever he can. Is this hypothetical scenario unusually specific? Yes. Is it most likely correct? Yes, also because we all knew him in college.

And She's Buying The.

And She’s Buying The.


I’ll Be Taking That, Thanks

This unwitting wire thief recognized an opportunity to steal all of the wires from the busted apparatus and saunter away with them. And how could anyone charge him with a crime? He just seems so happy! But, in all seriousness, this is just another example of really clever graffiti that makes a dilapidated environment look 10 times more appealing than it would have been if it hadn’t been painted! We don’t support vandalism, but you have to admit, it’s cool art!

I'll Be Taking That, Thanks

I’ll Be Taking That, Thanks