The Russian Submarine Fleet Is Among The Biggest
The Russian Federation’s fleet of subs is one of the largest in the world and shouldn’t be underestimated. The fleet consists of not just nuclear and conventional attack submarines, but they are also equipped with guided-missile subs which come with cruise and ballistic miles! Capable of long-range nuclear weapons, the fleet are certainly an issue.

The Russian Submarine Fleet Is Among The Biggest
Do Not Overlook The U.S. Navy Either
Russian subs are definitely a problem; they are they are deadly and efficient. Even if there is no actual conflict, it is just as troubling knowing that they are even sat there with this capability. At least the U.S. navy is not defenseless, they do have their own missiles and attack subs of a quality standard. With more and more reports, the U.S. Navy is surely working hard to keep up.

Do Not Overlook The U.S. Navy Either