The Plan Is To Make A Heavily Armed Submarine
Besides from this, the Laika class will also be armed with eight BLS missile silos. Who knows, this might go a step further with Onix anti-ship cruise missiles, or perhaps even the KALIBR cruise missiles. The submarine is planned to have ten torpedo tubes too. Sure this is hard to envision if you’ve never mechanically designed a submarine, but what you do need to know is that it will make the vessel extremely powerful.

The Plan Is To Make A Heavily Armed Submarine
A New Weapon Is In The Works As Well
We expect the Laika class to come with a new type of weapon known as the 3M22 Zircon Hypersonic. The cruise missile attached allows it to reach targets on both land and sea with a Mach 9 speed. This is terrible news for the U.S. Navy, as they will surely need to prepare long and hard (develop and invest) in order to have the power to counter these attacks.

A New Weapon Is In The Works As Well