30+ Hollywood Stars Who, In The Fans’ Opinion, Are The Worst

Published on 01/10/2023

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone’s career was nearly wrecked by one film, Batman and Robin, which you’ve almost certainly seen. Silverstone is still unhappy with her performance in the picture. For the film, she “won” a Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actress — and was forced to take a break from performing.

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone


Jason Statham

Tough-guy Brit Jason Statham is certainly appealing and approachable. But the question is, can he act honestly? That one, on the other hand, has divided opinion. In general, critics appear to believe that even if he can’t, his films are usually humorous and strange enough that it doesn’t really matter.

Jason Statham

Jason Statham