30+ Hollywood Stars Who, In The Fans’ Opinion, Are The Worst

Published on 01/10/2023

Kaley Cuoco

The Big Bang Theory’s Kaley Cuoco was handsomely compensated for her role, yet viewers occasionally grumbled that her performance was overrated. The Razzies clearly dislike her as well, as she was nominated for two films in 2016. Nonetheless, she was nominated for an Emmy for The Flight Attendant in 2021.

Kaley Cuoco

Kaley Cuoco


Ruby Rose

More than just film critics have condemned Ruby Rose for her performance. At one point, Twitter users poured on her. After being cast as Batwoman in the TV show of the same name, trolls mocked her acting abilities online, and she ended up deactivating her account. There is such a thing as going too far.

Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose