You Won’t Believe These Weight Loss Journey Of Hollywood Celebrities

Published on 11/05/2021


Mo’Nique shed an astounding 80 pounds in the year 2014. The comedian and actress rushed to Twitter to explain how she was able to accomplish such a remarkable achievement. She detailed her routines, which included weight lifting and jumping rope, on her Instagram account. She’s still going strong today, despite everything! You can find her completing rigorous exercises with her personal trainer on her Instagram account, as well as experimenting with a variety of various forms of fitness. Overall, she’s doing a fantastic job!




Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell said at the beginning of this year that he has shed approximately 20 pounds in an effort to become a healthier person generally. He has stated that he has become healthier and stronger as a result of this. He made the decision to change his way of life as a result of an incident that occurred in 2017. he had fainted and fallen down the stairs in his own home as a result of having low blood pressure In order to live a healthy lifestyle, the celebrity eliminated dairy, wheat, and sugar from his diet and adopted a vegan diet. According to him in an interview, “I took out a lot of the stuff I shouldn’t have been consuming,” which included “mainly meat, dairy, bread, and sugar,” which were the four main things he was eating.

Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell