You Won’t Believe These Weight Loss Journey Of Hollywood Celebrities

Published on 11/05/2021

Soleil Moon Frye

When you consider that Soleil has given birth to three children, it’s only natural that she has gained some weight. When she went to events, she would usually conceal herself beneath large clothing. She came to the awareness that she needed to do something about the matter and that she needed to act quickly. Using a food delivery service, she was able to lose 40 pounds in one year. She continues to dress in the same manner as she did 20 years ago! She believes that her ability to succeed is due to the diversity of foods she consumes on a daily basis.

Soleil Moon Frye

Soleil Moon Frye


Jimmy Kimmel

However, it has been discovered that not all celebrities opt to lose weight in a healthy manner. In an interview with Men’s Journal, Jimmy Kimmel revealed that he had to take extraordinary steps to shed the first 25 pounds. Since then, he has been fasting for two days a week in order to maintain his current weight of approximately 180 pounds. Jimmy consumes less than 500 calories on Mondays and Thursdays by drinking coffee and consuming a large number of pickles. For the remainder of the week, he has complete freedom to eat anything he wants. This is absolutely not something we would encourage, but hey, whatever works for him.

Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel