30+ Amazing Tricks You Can Do Using Vinegar

Published on 04/01/2022

Speed Up The Healing Process Of Bruises

We all have bumps and bruises from time to time. All we want is for them to heal and go away as quickly as possible when this happens. You can make this a reality with a little vinegar. If you have a bruise, soak a sheet of paper towel in white vinegar. Apply it to the bruised area after that. The treatment has properties that aid in the healing process, the removal of the mark from the skin, and the reduction of discomfort!

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Speed Up The Healing Process Of Bruises


Clean Fruits To Make Them Last Longer

This is advice you should follow as often as feasible. Wash your vegetables and fruits in vinegar as soon as you come home from the supermarket. Half-fill the sink with warm water and a half-cup of vinegar. Allow ten minutes for the vegetables to settle before rinsing and storing them in the refrigerator. The vinegar works because it removes the extra dirt that causes the food to degrade faster. This method will save you money by extending the life of your fruits and veggies by a week!

Clean Fruits To Make Them Last Longer

Clean Fruits To Make Them Last Longer