25+ Artistic Vandalism That Should Be Recognized

Published on 07/05/2023

A Critical Diagnosis

This isn’t funny at all. When a child is diagnosed with…a mustache, it’s a pretty severe condition. It could imply that the child is aging at warp speed and will soon feel the need to file taxes (not the worst thing), or that he or she is transforming into a werewolf and will soon be covered in hair and completely unrecognizable (certainly not ideal). So, if your youngster begins to develop a mustache, act quickly before it’s too late.

A Very Serious Diagnosis

A Critical Diagnosis


No Pie for You

Unfortunately, as the sign indicates, this is a no-pie zone. Before you enter the premises, you must toss the pie you are holding. Pies can be used as hazardous weapons, causing injury. We don’t care if you prepared that pie for your dear little elderly grandma who lives down the block; the sign clearly states “NO PIE.” There will be no exceptions! Next time, improve your reading skills. You have been forewarned.

No Pie For You

No Pie For You