These Famous Celebrities Are Not Yet Married And Here Is Why

Published on 09/07/2022

Most of us know the people on this list as they are those who we all know for their importance, wealth, and fame. With their status, it seems like they could have all they want to themselves! However, that doesn’t seem to be the case as regardless of their social status, wealth, etc. they really do not have it all as they are quite unlucky when it comes to love! How is it even possible that these people are single? Regardless, it just goes to show that one’s social status doesn’t affect their chance in love. Here are the famous people who are surprisingly single!

Your Favorite Celebs Who Are Still Not Married

Your Favorite Celebs Who Are Still Not Married


Goldie Hawn

Goldie Hawn is one of the Hollywood Bankable Stars. This award-winning actress had her fair share of love interests in real life until she fell for Kurt Russell, the actor, and heartthrob. They have been dating since Valentine’s Day in 1983 and have been together for more than 30 years. The pair raised four children together, but they appear uninterested in tying the knot.


Goldie Hawn