These Stores Are Shutting Down Because Of This Reason

Published on 08/05/2022

American Eagle

Following the announcement that 40 to 50 American Eagle stores may close by 2020, new facilities for the company could be developed in 2019. According to business officials, up to 500 retail sites would close over the next two years as leases expire. According to Chief Financial Officer Mike Mathias, store closures are based on variables such as “lease tenure,” “mall profile,” “availability to other shops,” and “customer experience level.”

American Eagle

American Eagle



Zara is turning its focus to internet sales as brick-and-mortar stores are threatened by the coronavirus outbreak. Starting in 2020, up to 1,200 stores throughout the world will be closed, according to Inditex, the clothing brand’s holding company. The company also plans to expand its online customer service team as part of its $3 billion investment plan.

