Zip Top Bags
When necessary, these can be utilized to quickly and easily construct a funnel. It is sufficient to cut one of the corners and insert the liquid through the top of the bag in order to accomplish this task. Cupcakes, cakes, and pastries can all be iced with these as well. Using these zip tops to clean your showerhead is another insane hack that you should try. To clean your showerhead, fill the bag with white vinegar and strap it to your showerhead for 30 minutes.
Wax Paper
Making use of wax paper or baking paper can assist you in drying those books that have become wet by accident. This approach is excellent for preventing inadvertent blunders, whether they are caused by cooking books or a simple accident. Insert the wax paper between the wet pages, and the pages will dry without smudging the ink on the pages beneath them.