Meet The World’s Most Powerful Military Vehicles Right Now

Published on 02/11/2022

“RoBattle” Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Keep in mind that this is more than just a practical item. RoBattle was designed to both lead combat formations and engage in direct combat with opponents. There are six separate wheels that may be swapped out for tracks on this vehicle. The vehicle has the capability of mounting weaponry such as TOW missiles and Bushmaster guns. The fact that it is automated makes it much more appealing. Despite this, it will necessitate the use of a human operator due to ethical considerations.

“RoBattle” Unmanned Ground Vehicle

“RoBattle” Unmanned Ground Vehicle


UH-19XRW Hoverwing

The object in front of you looks like it could be both a flying boat and a hovercraft. The Hoverweing sporting craft is considered to be a pioneer in its field. This amphibious vessel has a carrying capacity of up to 1,200 pounds of cargo and a range of 140 nautical miles. It also has a top speed of 75 mph and a cruising altitude of over six feet, which is impressive for a little plane.

UH 19XRW Hoverwing

UH-19XRW Hoverwing