Meet The World’s Most Powerful Military Vehicles Right Now

Published on 02/11/2022

Sea Hunter

When you learn that Sea Hunter’s official name is the Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel, you’ll be able to learn even more about the vessel and its capabilities. It is not difficult to understand why it is referred to as ACTUV. Submarines that are stealthy and can lurk close to land were envisioned as a result of this research. The initiative was a resounding success.

Sea Hunter

Sea Hunter


The Gladiator UGCV

Take a look at this modified bomb disposal equipment that was created specifically for the Marine Corps. The Gladiator, as it is known, is a new generation of tank that outperforms all previous models in terms of speed, range, and maneuverability. It is protected against small arms fire, allowing it to be used as a combat drone as well. Additionally, it is equipped with a multi-mission remote combat station that is capable of employing anti-vehicle and anti-personnel armament. It is also useful for reconnaissance purposes.

The Gladiator UGCV

The Gladiator UGCV