Are you considering purchasing a powerful aircraft? You’re in luck if that’s the case. Some military equipment is being sold to civilians! Of course, this isn’t going to be cheap. You can expect to pay a lot of money if you want to move any of these houses into your home. We hope you have enough space to put them away as well! You’ve come to the right place if you’re thinking of getting your own private plane. You must be quite affluent if you’re thinking about it! However, taking a peek around to see what’s available isn’t a bad idea. After all, we never know what the future holds! Let’s take a look at what you have to work with.

If You Have Enough Money, You Might Want To Buy These Military Aircraft
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
In the late 1950s, the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter was introduced to the world. It was used by numerous military forces all over the world until the turn of the century. Italy, Turkey, Spain, Germany, and the United States have all used this aircraft at some point in the past. Although this model has been discontinued, it is still available for private purchase. Kelly Johnson, a well-known aeronautical engineer, assisted in the creation of the Starfighter. He also worked on the creation of the SR-71 Blackbird and the U-2 espionage plane. It was fatal and caused a lot of controversy when it was still in service. In any case, the FAA reports that there are ten privately owned units in the United States. Three of them are former Canadian military personnel who are members of the Starfighters Inc. civilian demonstration squad.

Lockheed F-104 Starfighter