Avocado is a real power- food. It contains a lot of healthy fatties, which are crucial for a healthy body. The vitamins, antioxidants and fatties contained by the avocado are helping to protect your body from heart diseases, high blood pressure and to strengthen your cardiovascular system. The food is also great to boost your collagen levels, which helps your skin to stay tight and moisturized.

Avocado – A Real Powerfood
Avocado Toast
Avocado toast is one of the most popular ways, to integrate avocado in a dish. There are many variations of avocado toast, and they are all simply delicious. One way you can change up your avocado toast is by adding feta. All you need for a delicious Avocado-Feta toast is bread, lemon juice, paprika, salt, pepper, feta and of course a good avocado. Start by toasting the bread. While the bread is in the toaster, mash up the avocado and mix it with paprika, the lemon juice and some salt/pepper. Once the bread is toasted spread the avocado mixture over it and top it with chunks of feta. Voilà your delicious and healthy avocado-feta toast is ready to be enjoyed.
Avocado Vegetable Summer Rolls
Avocado vegetable summer rolls, are the perfect healthy snack for a hot summer day. The yummy rolls are stuffed with tofu, peaches and avocado and served with a coconut basil dip. All you need for the recipe are 6 spring roll rice wrappers. 4 ounces of cooked rice noodles. 4 ounces of tofu slices, 1 ripe avocado, 2 peaches, basil, mint and a pinch of sesame seeds. For the basil sauce you need 1/4 cup of coconut milk, 1/4 cup of basil, 1 tablespoon of cashew butter, 1 tablespoon of lime juice, 1/2 clove of garlic, 1/4 teaspoon of ginger and 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt. Start by making the basil sauce. For this combine the basil, cashew butter, lime juice, garlic and the coconut milk in a food processor. The next thing is to work on the summer rolls. Fill a glass with water and put the rice paper in the water for about 7 seconds. Then damp it on a paper tower to dry it. Put the filling in the center of the roll and fold the bottom of the wrapper over the filling. Now push the filling under the wrapper. Then continuously put more rice into the rolls until they are stuffed up to the end. Close the rolls at the end and serve them with the basil sauce.
Avocado salads
A dish where avocados aren’t allowed to miss either are salads. If you are a salad fan, you should definitely try the avocado, corn, peach and cucumber salad. It is not only healthy and easy to make, but also perfect for hot summer days. All you need for the salad is 3 ears of grilled corn, 1 red diced pepper, 1 green diced pepper, 1/2 small cucumber, 2 diced peaches, 1 diced avocado, 8 basil leaves, juice of 1 lime and sea salt. Cut all the ingredients and mix them together in a bowl. You can either top it with a simple salad dressing of lime juice, olive oil and sea salt or match it with vinaigrette or balsamic vinaigrette.