The Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations Around The World

Published on 02/10/2021

Are you an adventurous person? Do you like to travel? If the answer is yes, then this is the right article for you! In this article you will find the most dangerous and adventurous tourist destinations around the world. Are you brave enough to try them out?

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The Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations Around The World


Death Valley, USA

The Death Valley in Mojave California, has its name for a reason. It counts to one of the most dangerous tourist spots around the world and received its name by pioneers who got lost in the area. After they nearly died wandering through the extremely hot desert, they decided to call it “Death Valley”. The Death Valley Desert is one of the hottest places around the world and recorded 134 F on its hottest days. If you decide to be adventurous enough to go for a hike there, you should definitely take enough water with you! Without water, a healthy person would only survive up to 14 hours in the Death Valley.

Sinabung Volcano, Indonesia

The Sinabung Volcano is one of the active volcanos around the world and is located in Sumatra an island in Indonesia. The area is especially dangerous, as the volcano erupts very often and ruins the villages nearby with its hot lava. The people living in the villages nearby, never know what is going to happen. When the volcano erupts it demolishes the villages through stones, lava and volcanic gas and lives hundreds of people with no homes.

Snake Island, Brazil

Brazil is a wonderful place, full of exotic animals, plants and wonderful flowers. One island in Brazil however, is considered as one of the most dangerous places around the world. This specific island is called Iha da Queimada Grande, which means “Snake Island”. This specifically dangerous island is inhabited by the Bothrop snake, one of the most dangerous and venomous snakes on our planet. The Bothrop snakes are the rulers of the beautiful island. There were already many incidents in which visitors got attacked by a snake, the minute they set foot on the island. On this island you really have to watch every single of your steps.

Elephant Kingdom in Choburi, Thailand

The Elephant Kingdom in Thailand is a very famous spot. The place is known for its dangerous Crocodile farm, that allows tourists and visitors to come and feed the dangerous reptiles. The people are standing on a wooden stand and can feed the crocodile with fishing roots and meet. The reptiles are jumping out of the water to catch the meat and through that already many accidents happened.

Madidi National Park, Bolivia

The Madidi National Park in Bolivia, is one of the most beautiful and peaceful looking places around the world. Just by looking at it, you would never assume that it is also one of the most dangerous spots around the world. As quiet and idyllic it might look, the real threat is found under the beautiful water surface.The Madidi National Park is a home to one of the most dangerous and poisoning plants around the world. Just a short contact with the poisoning fauna, can lead to rashes, dizziness, severe itching and pains. The plants are especially dangerous, as they can transfer tropical parasites, which can lead to severe infections.